Day 111

October 31, 2011

I can’t believe it’s the end of October, October was so great last year in 2010 and it’s been bringing back memories of that, then again November was good too. To be fair, i think year 12 at school was all great, though i think year 13 from the start until the christmas holidays was proabably one of my favourite times ever!! <3


So, there’s my attempt to be scary! Haha!! Failed at that. I’m still watching my Halloween Simpsons episodes, i;m up to…..the 9th one :D And it’s been dark for so long it seems like it should be SO much later than 20 past 9. We had 4 lots of trick or treaters. Some of them were super cute xD

I’ll get a picture of my pumpkin up when i get the photos off my camera and onto the computer, i’m a bit too lazy to do that at the moment xD. Wow, i’m really tired. I think it’s because i feel like it’s late when it’s not..

Did a fair bit of one piece of my maths coursework today…which is good!! Gettin there slowly!! Cue the updated to-do-list!!

  • Charlie’s Halloween Party
  • Hopefully Pub Gathering – It would be a great goal as long as i’m okay on the day, i don’t really know the plans for it yet so, shall keep up to date with that!
  • Post penpal letter
  • Have Halloween plans with myself :D
  • Birthday presents/cards for friends
  • Meet up with Kate for sign
  • Carve pumpkin ;)
  • Sort out notes from maths lectures
  • Complete Coursework for MA4002 – Pure Maths
  • Attempt most questions on Coursework for MA4001 (A) – Maths/Numerical Methods
  • Attempt as much as possible of Coursework for MA4005 (A) – Envisioning Information/Statisical Methods
  • Complete (hopefully) Coursework for – MA4004 – Groups and Abstract Algebra
  • Attempt as much as possible of Coursework for – MA4001 (B) – Maths/Numerical Methods
  • Meet up with Sam to go through coursework
  • Hopefully skype conference fellow math-ies for coursework chats!
  • Make myself create a goal list!

The ones in italics are the ones that are on their way to being done :) Wow, really tired, hopefully will get halloween photos up soon :)

Farewell x

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Day 95 (2)

October 15, 2011

Of course i miss my friends when i don’t see them, of course i appreciate seeing them after a long time, but i don’t feel like everyone going off to Uni affected me as much as some of my other friends, just because, since like March, i’ve hardly done anything with any of my friends, i’ve seen some of my friends at home, i’d pop in and out of school, but especially after prom and after exams i hardly saw them. I wasn’t happy with it but i got….sort of used to it….i don’t mind being by myself…i’m an only child living in a house with my dad only, and i do enough talking for the both of us, we’re really close but we do our separate things at home.. :) But i don’t feel like a loner or anything, mostly because i speak to my friends digitally all the time anyway, and i see some of my friends fairly often anyway even if it’s only for a little while :) Which is nice!! Don’t know why that was interesting, just been thinking about it.

Just reading something about dreams that’s popped up on the internet, talking about people having “Precognitive Dreams” meaning like, seeing the future a way. But like…meaning that you didn’t have the information for your brain to make it up, like it is ..literally like seeing the future. I can think of one dream of mine when that happened, and i was so freaked out i still remember it. It was in like..december or something last year, and i dreamed i was at school walking up a path to the library and someone walked past me and there was a bouncy ball and something i don’t remember exact details, but i went into further maths the next day, and one of my maths teachers came in the room with a bouncy ball…and it was like…the same colour and like..the same people and….i didn’t even realise until about 10 minutes after they left the room i was like “…wait…i feel like i’ve…woah..WOAH! *internal freakout*” haha!!

Farewell x

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Day 61

September 11, 2011

Well, 2 weeks until freshers starts at Uni, gotta do session 4 of my online CBT later on, watching X factor at the moment, got a councelling session tomorrow, gotta still take a photo for uni, if not just crop one from somewhere else…been at Caitlins at her “farewell” little get together today. Can honestly say i have not laughed like i did today in MONTHS! Like…laughed so hard i cried! Alot! Also, i felt kinda sick after laughing so much but i just went with it and it passed, which was good. Also, i felt kinda sick when i got up this morning too but didn’t let it bother me for the rest of the day, especially shopping, which went quickly and pretty stress free, which was nice! :) All in all, a good day so far, gotta have some form of…tea-ish later still, because we did fill up on cakes at Caitlins haha!! :)

Farewell x

P.s Along with a really strange dream including charlie and david cameron having a random chat, and some stuff to do with eastenders [LOL] there was a bit of a bitch tease dream in there, it’s been a while, but…i didn’t mind, i wasn’t crushed to pieces when i woke up, i was disappointed but, yeah. Bitchhhhh teaaaaseee. Haha, i didn’t mind in the long run :)

Day 15

July 27, 2011

Well, apart from yesterdays disaster, which my eyes are still recovering from, ouch….i feel accomplished! Had our late fathers day on sunday and i’ve sent off my german penpal letter :D As well as a birthday card for my uncle :D This morning went downstairs to find the fridge is slowly dying, the top of it had gone all warm as i accused my dad of not putting the butter away until this morning [it’s happened before] but he was like “it’s been in the fridge all night?” i was like “..then the fridge isn’t working..” haha! Anyway, that’s pointless, why would you want to know that! Hopefully Charlie may come for a visit later :) she’s in between holidays so i’m grabbing hold of her! xD

OH EM GEE, i’ve just seen the advert for the 50 greatest Harry Potter moment which is on later! I’ve got a feeling this lucky blog may get a post about that as it happens!! I’ve got it recorded too i’m that sad, but i’m so excited to see what they mean by great..though i suppose they’ll only have up to the 2nd to last film :( but that’s good too! i bet half the greatest moments would be in the final film anyway, so maybe it’s best they kept it out haha.

Anyway, i just have to say, i am really proud of my brain. My dreams were just crazy last night.

  • Firstly, my brain is making things a bit difficult for me. you know when you think it’s best not to be reminded of something and then you have a dream about it. Which i don’t mind one bit, then i wake up and it’s like oh yeah great. Anyway.
  • I’m pretty sure at some point there was a big harry potter thing going on in one of my dreams [woke up a couple of times i think] and then everyone had to go into the hall for some reason if they were in a certain house or in the dining room [what?] or the dungeons if they were in other houses, because something was happening. Then at one point there was like a slide-show of people who’d died as a sort of memorial thing. And Fred came up and Ron and George were sitting at the back and George was crying [at which point i’m very glad it was a dream because the acting behind this crying was pretty terrible but it was still quite sad :P]
  • I think at one point the rest of JLS turned around to Marvin and said he was having a baby. At which point i thought they were joking because he can’t get pregnant, but turned out they were telling him for like..his wife or something and then the rest of the guys were like ‘okay we’ve like not seen him for a year’ cos he was all baby this baby that HAHA!!! Random!

Finally, and this is something i am particularly proud of my brain for..

  • i was in the pub with my friends, except i think the pub was in the cemetery in my area, weird? And then we were outside and we went inside and i went to sit in a big chair and at the same time i think Loz passed an exam or something? She got results for it whilst sitting there somehow. And i suddenly went “How did i get here?” and my friends were like “i don’t know..” and i was like “because..i wasn’t coming to this i don’t remember changing my mind and deciding to come here how did i get here?” i’m very proud because as much as i thought, no way i’m not STILL in bed i went to Tash or someone “oh you know what, i bet this is a dream….” and i rang my dad up and said like “where do you think i am?” or something and he said somewhere i’ve never heard of…but that somehow confirmed it so i was like..right then, not staying here if it’s not even real and woke myself up xD How crazy is that?!

Quite a terrible picture, but i good one is impossible this morning as my eyes are so puffed up from yesterday! haha. Oh and yesterday, i discovered Cleverbot, it’s hilarious.

Farewell x