Day 155

December 14, 2011

Woo :) I’ve had a really nice day today!! Finally a day off Uni where my dad hardly has any meetings and things. The first thing he had was kinda early but only short and i waited in the car and listened to the radio, which was great, christmas songs galore :D

Then he had another meeting and i stayed home with my Nan :D Which was great i felt fine and it was good to catch up with my Nan, she brought christmas presents and Charlie came round for a bit too after her lectures to say hi to us and hand prezzies to my Nan :) Fun times!!

Then i just chilled out and helped my nan a bit and munched on some food and we watched the film “Great Expectations” from like 1946 haha!! I mean it was on TV in the background but woo :)

OH! Oh my…my dad says he’s ordered a wireless router!! Which means hopefully i’ll FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY have wireless internet to my laptop, meaning i wont be stuck in my room just to use the internet!! I’ll be able to go all over the house :D I hope it works because we’ve tried in the past and it just wouldn’t work and connect and things…pfft :P

I’ve just been given the Santa hat to go with my Santa outfit…literally wearing it right now, very excited..i think i’ll dress up as Santa on Christmas day…honestly…i’m not sure what’s happened this year but i’ve been so excited about events!! Halloween and now Christmas…i’ll be taking photos of everything all day :D

I’m wearing my bracelet from yesterday :) i loves it :D

My dad finally wrote out the [may i say..HUGE] list of people he wants me to write christmas cards for. So, that will be fun…shutting all those envelopes my tongue will be raw! xD

Anyway, back later probably :)

Farewell x

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